The ESP32 core for Arduino 2.0.3 has been released, based on the ESP-IDF 4.4.1 software development kit.
Here is just a sampling of the multitude changes and fixes:
- Fixes String(float) issue with Stack Smashing by @SuGlider in Fixes String(float) issue with Stack Smashing #6138
- Allows user to bypass PSRAM test and boot faster with WROVER by @SuGlider in Allows user to bypass PSRAM test and boot faster with WROVER #6135
- Fixes UART MODBUS and Loopback issue by @SuGlider in Fixes UART MODBUS and Loopback issue #6133
- Adds UART RX IRQ Callback with onReceive() by @SuGlider in Adds UART RX IRQ Callback with onReceive() #6134
- NTP Examples: revert obsolete comment and updated Time example by @vortigont in NTP Examples: revert obsolete comment and updated Time example #6073
- Add variantInit setups for Adafruit boards by ladyada in Add variantInit setups for adafruit boards #6076
- Print.flush() – Arduino API conformance by @JAndrassy in Print.flush() – Arduino API conformance #6084
- Add KSZ8041 support by @Darek7D in Add KSZ8041 support #6087
- BUGFIX – Sd check status by @P-R-O-C-H-Y in BUGFIX – Sd check status #6103
- Versions and feature Request Template updates by @VojtechBartoska in Versions and feature Request Template updates #6096
- Fix I2C Slave Compile by @mrengineer7777 in Fix I2C Slave Compile #6108
- Consistently change device index to singed integer in BluetoothSerial lib by @iltis42 in Consistently change device index to singed integer in BluetoothSerial lib #6109
- WIFI STA AutoReconnect fix for assocfail reason, Proposed fix for ESP32 WiFi.begin works only every second time – workaround #2501 by @tablatronix in WIFI STA AutoReconnect fix for assocfail reason, Proposed fix for #2501 #6113
- Add Core Debug Level option to Tools menu for all boards in boards.txt by @gcweeks in Add Core Debug Level option to Tools menu for all boards in boards.txt #6110
See more on GitHub.