We’ve got so much happening here at Adafruit that it’s not always easy to keep up! Don’t fret, we’ve got you covered. Each week we’ll be posting a handy round-up of what we’ve been up to, ranging from learn guides to blog articles, videos, and more.
Plug-n-play USB Type C dummy PD
USB C has a nifty power management system where, by default, you can get a classic 5V at 1A power out from a power supply or port, but with some fancy twiddling you can request higher voltages and currents. We’ve always wanted a simple breakout that could get you a range of voltages using just jumper pads, but didn’t have a lot of luck with IP2721. Then we found this chip – the HUSB238 ( – used in a USB-to-DC cable and it seems kinda perfect! It can do 5V to 20V with just a resistor setting, and also set the current too. There’s also an I2C interface that can be used to set them, although its unclear if the settings are persistent – we’ll have to try it out. There’s a library here if you want to see what the registers are like ( here’s our draft for a breakout design. Whatcha think? Any other PD sink controllers you like to use?
More BLOG:
- Hey, Want to Listen to a Black Hole?
- May the Fourth Be With You! #StarWarsDay #StarWars
- Roseli Ocampo-Friedmann #AsianPacificAmericanHeritageMonth
- Motorized potentiometer goes back and forth and back and forth
RGB LED Matrix Cube with 25,000 LEDs
One can never have too many LEDs…but we won’t let that stop us from trying. This project brings together nearly 25,000 full-color LEDs in a mesmerizing, self-contained interactive cube, with the small-and-mighty Raspberry Pi 4 — the Altoids of computers — running the show. Possibly the most ostentatious project we’ve attempted!
- Adafruit DVI Breakout Board
- Working with Multiple Same Address I2C Devices
- How to Add a New Board to WipperSnapper
- Adafruit VL53L4CX Time of Flight Distance Sensor
Browse all that’s new in the Adafruit Learning System here!
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