From 1,000,000 to Graham’s Number

Incredibly handy breakdown of Graham’s Number – what it means, how it came about, and why it’s useful – from Wait But Why. Admittedly, I had never even heard of Graham’s Number before and I’m kinda/sorta shocked that I now have a basic understanding of the concept.

You know how sometimes you go through life, and you’re lost but you don’t even know it, and then one day, the right person comes along and you realize what you had been looking for this whole time?

That’s how I feel about Graham’s number.

Huge numbers have always both tantalized me and given me nightmares, and until I learned about Graham’s number, I thought the biggest numbers a human could ever conceive of were things like “A googolplex to the googolplexth power,” which would blow my mind when I thought about it. But when I learned about Graham’s number, I realized that not only had I not scratched the surface of a truly huge number, I had been incapable of doing so—I didn’t have the tools. And now that I’ve gained those tools (and you will too today), a googolplex to the googolplexth power sounds like a kid saying “100 plus 100!” when asked to say the biggest number he could think of.

Read more here and/or check out the Wiki Page for Graham’s Number here.

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