They say in California a New Ager invented a parking deity named Goddess Squat. The New Ager would change “Goddess Squat, full of grace / please find me a legal parking space!” over and over again until a parking space manifested. This could sometimes take hours, but it always worked, or so the legend goes. In the world of DIY electronics, Ajinkya Gokhale and Sakshi Bakal have come up with a whole different approach, in the form of a Raspberry Pi project. Here’s more from
One of the most common problems today is a saturation of parking spaces. Vehicles continue to outnumber existing parking spaces, thus clogging roads. Incidences of violence over occupancy, deformed cars due to a space crunch, and overcharging for parking are some problems that result.
Most cities propose increasing parking spaces to combat the problem. Parks and vacant plots are used as potential parking spaces and multi-level facilities are being built, irrespective of the limited land space and resources. But their exists a silly problem. People enter the parking and then came to know that it’s full. Should n’t it automated ? Don’t you think, we should already know if the parking has space for us or not ? Yeah, isn’t it a good thought ? This project will help us show the availability of car slots to park the vehicle. This is implemented by using Raspberry Pi 3 B+ and IR Modules.
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