For some on the west coast, the idea of talking about the weather is a little silly. In the San Francisco Bay Area, for example, the weather is almost always “nice” or “overcast,” and every once in awhile it’s “Blade Runner 2049.” So if you have the idea to make something that reflect the local weather in, say, Sonoma Valley, you don’t really need to know the barometer or when that summer thunderstorm is blowing through. Really all you need to know is how lovely it’s going to be. So that’s what Olafur Eliassonand did. Here’s more from COLOSSAL:
A bold, conical structure stands on The Donum Estate in Sonoma Valley, casting a vibrant kaleidoscope of 24 colors underneath its canopy. The work of Studio Other Spaces—artist Olafur Eliassonand architect Sebastian Behmann co-founded the Berlin-based project in 2014— “Vertical Panorama Pavilion” is “inspired by the history of circular calendars,” containing 832 glass pieces arranged around an oculus opening to the north.
Drawing on the microclimate of the vineyard, the studio constructed the mosaic of translucent and transparent panels using meteorological measurements of solar radiance, wind intensity, temperature, and humidity. A winding gravel path leads to the outdoor seating area, and as the sun passes over the area, it drenches the brick construction in a full spectrum of color, a contrast to the Northern California landscape.
But if you do need more detailed weather info, here’s a project from the Adafruit Learning System that uses the Adafruit METRO 328: