Laser-Zapped Cold Brews Deliver Coffees At A Wee Fraction Of The Time

I’m glad science is tackling the big issues. If you didn’t know that smooth cold brew you enjoy actually requires a time intensive process. Generally steeping takes around 24 hours. But now there are lasers!

The paper published in Nature outlines the process:

Ultrafast cold-brewing of coffee by picosecond-pulsed laser extraction

They claim it creates a similar coffee to traditional cold brew. More from Design Taxi:

Anna Ziefuss, the study’s lead scientist, has been experimenting with lasers for years, but it wasn’t until recently that she was able to apply her research to reinvent something as commercial as coffee.

So, will we be seeing laser-powered coffee machines hit the shelves soon? No, unfortunately; the study is still being tested in labs and isn’t ready for consumption yet. However, at the rate things are going, laser-brewed coffee could be beaming onto our coffee tables sometime soon.

If you are looking to hone your coffee game right now, Jan Goolsbey just published this awesome guide on the Adafruit Learning System:

Clue Coffee Scale

Force flex IMG 8444

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