New Products 8/31/2022 Featuring n00ds – Flexible LED Filament – 3V 300mm long! #adafruit

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5603 05

Assembled Adafruit 0.56″ 4-Digit 7-Segment Display – w/ I2C Backpack QT – Green

What’s better than a single LED? Lots of LEDs! A fun way to make a small display is to use an 8×8 matrix or a 4-digit 7-segment display. Matrices like these are ‘multiplexed’ – so to control all the seven-segment LEDs you need 14 pins. That’s a lot of pins, and there are driver chips like the MAX7219 that can control a matrix for you but there’s a lot of wiring to set up and they take up a ton of space. Here at Adafruit we feel your pain! After all, wouldn’t it be awesome if you could control a matrix without tons of wiring? That’s where these adorable LED matrix backpacks come in. We have them in two flavors – a mini 8×8 and a 4-digit 0.56″ 7-segment. They work perfectly with the matrices we stock in the Adafruit shop and make adding a bright little display trivial.

See more!

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Assembled Adafruit 0.56″ 4-Digit 7-Segment Display – w/ I2C Backpack STEMMA QT – Red

The matrices use a driver chip that does all the heavy lifting for you: They have a built-in clock so they multiplex the display. They use constant-current drivers for ultra-bright, consistent color (the images above are photographed at the dimmest setting to avoid overloading our camera!), 1/16 step display dimming, all via a simple I2C interface. The backpacks come with address-selection jumpers so you can connect up to four mini 8×8’s or eight 7-segments (or a combination, such as four mini 8×8’s and four 7-segments, etc) on a single I2C bus.

See more!

5505 04

LED Filament – 3V 26mm long – Warm White 3 Pack

These non-flexible LED filaments are often seen in ‘Edison-like’ LED bulbs, arranged in different patterns to give a bright warm lighting effect. They’re made of dozens of micro LED diodes that are bonded together on a stiff metal backing, then coated in silicone for protection. Since the LEDs are in parallel, you only need 3V to light ’em up – we recommend current limiting with a resistor to let max 50mA through.

Please note, these are NOT flexible! However, they have a nice uniform glow all the way around and really do an excellent job of mimicking a tungsten-like filament.

See more!

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n00ds – Flexible LED Filament – 3V 300mm long – Pink

Our favorite food when hacking on code or electronics is a hot bowl of noodles – and around NYC these are often called ‘noods’! What we’ve got here are flexible LED noodles, in different lengths and colors. All are not good for eatin’ but they are good for cool lighting effects

These are often seen in ‘Edison-like’ LED bulbs, shaped into hearts or stars or just wound around to create a fun or warm lighting effect. They’re made of dozens of LED diodes that are bonded together on an ultra flexible metal backing, then coated in colorful silicone for protection. Since the LEDs are in parallel, you only need 3V to light ’em up.

Comes one per pack. Add some mini, noodle-y neon bling to your miniature sets, dioramas, dollhouses, mini-verses, what have you!

Simply power up with 3V by connect to both ends – the anode should be the end with a little hole in it. If it doesn’t immediately light up, try connecting the other way around, no biggie.

See more! Also available in Yellow, Blue, Red, Warm White and Green

5504 02

n00ds – Flexible LED Filament – 3V 130mm long – Warm White

This nood is 130mm long! See more!

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