We’ve got the New nEw NEW for you right here:
This is a magnetic USB micro b plug! They pair with the Black Woven USB A or Type-C to Type-C Cable with Magnetic Tip . Plug your microUSB power (or data!) cable into one end, then insert the little magnetic nub into your device’s charging port. Now you basically have a quick-detach microUSB connector with a magnetic alignment. Easy to plug in whenever, no worries if the cable is yanked or twisted.
Magnetic Lightning / iOS Plug Tip
This is a magnetic Lightning / iOS plug! They pair with the Black Woven USB A or Type-C to Type-C Cable with Magnetic Tip. Plug your lightning cable into one end, then insert the little magnetic nub into your device’s charging port. Now you basically have a quick-detach Lightning connector with a magnetic alignment. Easy to plug in whenever, no worries if the cable is yanked or twisted.
2.5″ SATA III to USB 3.0 Adapter Cable – 30cm long
This 2.5″ SATA III to USB 3.0 Adapter Cable allows you to connect a standard 2.5″ hard drive (HDD or SSD) to your computer. SATA III is like, a souped-up electronic energy drink, letting you backup files with a data rate up to 6Gbps.
Monk Makes Plant Monitor – Capacitive Moisture Meter – Temperature & Relative Humidity
If you’re like me and have trouble keeping your calatheas and pepperomias happy and not overwatering them to root rot ruin, why not take a gander at the Plant Monitor from Ada-friend Monk Makes. Its a super easy and friendly way to get started with sensing & gardening projects with no soldering required.
Large Inductive Wireless LEDs – 10 Pack – Yellow, White, Red, Green, Blue
Adding LEDs to anything makes it 5x better — it’s a scientific fact! But when you have LEDs, you’ve got wires and power supplies and all that stuff is kinda annoying. What if you could have LEDs that light up without any wires or soldering or battery packs? Sounds magical! That’s what makes this 10 Large Wireless LED Kit so nifty. When paired with the Large Inductive Coil Kit, they use electromagnetic fields and inductive coupling to pass power through the air to light up LEDs soldered onto coils.
Adafruit EYESPI Breakout Board – 18 Pin FPC Connector
Our most recent display breakouts have come with a new feature: an 18-pin “EYE SPI” standard FPC connector with flip-top connector. This is intended to be a sort-of “STEMMA QT for displays” – a way to quickly connect and extend display wiring that uses a lot of SPI pins. In this case we need a lot of SPI pins, and we want to be able to use long distances so we go with an 18-pin 0.5mm pitch FPC.
Adafruit LTR-329 Light Sensor – STEMMA QT / Qwiic
The Adafruit LTR-329 Light Sensor a simple and popular low-cost I2C digital light sensor that is easy to integrate into your project for reliable and wide-ranging light measurements.
Adafruit LTR-303 Light Sensor – STEMMA QT / Qwiic
The Adafruit LTR-303 Light Sensor a simple and popular low-cost I2C digital light sensor that is easy to integrate into your project for reliable and wide-ranging light measurements.
New Products 9/14/2022 Featuring Adafruit LTR-303 Light Sensor – STEMMA QT / Qwiic!
Visit www.adafruit.com/new for more info.