The director who made Children of Men and Roma and Gravity is teaming up with Furiosa herself, Charlize Theron, to make a kinda sorta biopic of a writer. Generally speaking, writer’s lives aren’t too terribly interesting, but when the writer is Philip K Dick, and the director has a knack for dramatizing ideas in an exciting way, the movie might just end up being one of the most original biopics ever made. As it turns out, the subject of the biopic isn’t just the writer who penned Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (Blade Runner), We Can Remember it for You Wholesale (Total Recall), Supertoys Last All Summer Long (A.I.), and our personal favorite, the mind-bending, reality-warping, paranoid epic VALIS. Charlize Theron will play the writer’s sister, who died soon after being born. Her name was Jane. How is this possible? Here’s more from TOR:
The plot is described as “a moving, suspenseful and darkly humorous story about a woman’s unique relationship with her brilliant, but troubled twin, who also happens to be the celebrated novelist Philip K. Dick. While attempting to rescue her brother from predicaments both real and imagined, Jane plunges deeper and deeper into a fascinating world of his creation.”
Dick’s daughter, Isa Dick-Hackett, who garnered critical and commercial success as a producer on The Man in the High Castle, said of the project, “The story of Jane has been with me for as long as I can remember […] Jane, my father’s twin sister who died a few weeks after birth, was at the center of his universe. Befitting a man of his unique imagination, this film will defy the conventions of a biopic and embrace the alternate reality Philip K. Dick so desperately desired—one in which his beloved sister survived beyond six weeks of age. It is her story we will tell, her lens through which we will see him and his imagination. There is no better way to honor him than to grant him his wish, if only for the screen.”