The transformation of education begins with teachers
Every October 5 is World Teachers Day, a time to celebrate teachers on the anniversiary of a 1966 UNESCO Reccomendation on teachers. Among other things the recommendation recognized “the essential role of teachers in educational advancement and the importance of their contribution to the development of man and modern society, ”
Today, on World Teachers’ Day, we celebrate the critical role of teachers in transforming learners’ potential by ensuring they have the tools they need to take responsibility for themselves, for others and for the planet. We call on countries to ensure that teachers are trusted and recognized as knowledge producers, reflective practitioners, and policy partners.
The theme for World Teachers’ Day 2022 is “The transformation of education begins with teachers”. Celebrations will address the commitments and calls for action made at the Transforming Education Summit, in September 2022, and analyse the implications they have for teachers and teaching.
Every day Adafruit has resources to help Teachers:
- We have a special channel on our forums where teachers and academics trade notes: Forum For Educators.
- Our Learn Guides make great resources for designing projects or curriculum.
- Check out the Adafruit blog for stories and links for teachers.
- You can learn even more on our Educators page
If you have a teacher in your life take a minute to share your gratitude. If you are a teacher, THANK YOU!!