Science Fiction: Voyage to the Edge of Imagination at the Science Museum #SciFiSunday

The UK Science Museum has some amazing exhibits and their current one is no exception. Science Fiction: Voyage to the Edge of Imagination is an immersive exhibit that explores the past, present, and future of science fiction. Here’s more from the Science Museum:

The Exploration Deck delves into the drive to journey beyond our world. A model of a NASA Saturn V rocket, which launched the Apollo missions that saw the first landing on the Moon, looks at a replica model of the U.S.S. Enterprise from Star Trek, signed by Nichelle Nichols and George Takei. A hypersleep chamber from Prometheus, which in the film allows the crew to travel across space by slowing down bodily functions in a state of stasis, is presented alongside torpor research by SpaceWorks who are studying if therapeutic hypothermia and sedation could be used for human missions to Mars. A radio telescope used by scientists at SETI in their attempts to detect intelligent life is in the line of fire of a looming Dalek. From the technology that has taken us into space – and might in the future take us further into it – to the intelligent life that we might encounter out there, it distils some of the fascinating connections between significant scientific innovations and celebrated science fiction works. 

See and learn more!

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