Sleep Posture Monitor #WearableWednesday

Sleep, it turns out, is one of those things we all need. And we need a lot of it. So anything that can be done to help out sleep can help out our health, long term. Here’s more from Elite Worm:

This is a tiny electronic device I designed to fix my morning neck pain. This first version is based on a cheap ATtiny85 microcontroller, but after having some trouble with the limited amount of inputs and outputs available during the designing phase, I might switch to an ESP32 in the next revision. This project is meant to do something really simple, yet crucial! Every night, I tend to unconsciously switch my body to a position that feels comfortable but causes some stress in my muscles. That leads to having a sore and stiff neck morning after. This device has some nice features such as a mini vibration motor, an electronic switch, and a 3.7 V LiPo battery with an onboard charger. This time, I used 0402 sized resistors and capacitors, just to maximize my space.

See project!

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