Building a Casket for a Friend

Jimmy DiResta had a friend who died of cancer. She asked him to build her casket. She didn’t want anything fancy, just simple, inexpensive materials. But, as you can imagine, being DiResta, even though he basically worked with nothing but plywood and pine, the results are beautiful and sweet.

The video is very touching. As one commenter put it, it must have been a world of emotions building it. “The honor of building your friend’s final resting place, but also, the fear and sadness with each piece added.”

When I was 19, living at Twin Oaks Community in Virginia, my best friend died of cancer. We did everything ourselves, prepared his body, built his coffin, and buried him in a place on the land that he requested. That experience was a strange blessing for me and something I have never forgotten. Watching this video, many of those emotions welled up.

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