Grounded in Clay: The Spirit of Pueblo Pottery

Organized by SAR and the Vilcek Foundation, Grounded in Clay debuted July 31st on Tewa Indian lands at the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture in Santa Fe. The exhibition will travel to New York, Houston, then Saint Louis.

But the launch of a unique traveling exhibition featuring over 100 historic and contemporary works in clay offers a visionary understanding of Pueblo pots as vessels of community-based knowledge and personal experience.

Originating in the cradle of the Indigenous Southwest, Grounded in Clay: The Spirit of Pueblo Pottery is a rare exhibition curated by the Native American communities it represents. The project gives authority and voice to the Pueblo Pottery Collective, a group of over 60 individual members of 21 tribal communities who selected and wrote about artistically or culturally distinctive pots from two significant Pueblo pottery collections—the Indian Arts Research Center of the School for Advanced Research (SAR) in Santa Fe and the Vilcek Foundation of New York.

Read more and check out the exhibit.

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1 Comment

  1. Hello,

    Thank you, Takara, for your Grounded in Clay post. It’s an amazing show and I encourage you to visit it when it appears at the Met next summer.

    I’m personally a big fan of Adafruit and what you’re doing there on all levels.


    Kevin Watson,
    SAR Marketing Manager

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