We’ve got so much happening here at Adafruit that it’s not always easy to keep up! Don’t fret, we’ve got you covered. Each week we’ll be posting a handy round-up of what we’ve been up to, ranging from learn guides to blog articles, videos, and more.
The Return of ADABOX 2023 ! We’re back!
The Return of ADABOX 2023 ! We’re back! Great news folks, the part shortage and supply chain issues over the last couple years have started to ease up and we’re able to resume ADABOX in a few months again! We do not charge for an ADABOX until it ships, and we’ll be providing the specific dates as we get closer to 2023! Expect ADABOX 21 to resume around March 2023!
More BLOG:
- Ethernet on the Raspberry Pi
- A Chemist (and Game Hobbyist) on How Super Glue Actually Works
- The “Solar Metal Smelter”, a magnifying glass producing 1000 Celsius heat
Bluefruit Ouija Board By John Park
High tech mediums prefer CircuitPython powered spirit boards!
- Pico W HTTP Server with CircuitPython
- MagTag Literary Quote Clock
- No-Code IoT Pool Monitor
- Improved AMG8833 PyGamer Thermal Camera
Browse all that’s new in the Adafruit Learning System here!