You may have enjoyed, are currently enjoying, or will soon enjoy Andor, the heady, anti-fascist take on Star Wars created by the exceptionally skilled writer Tony Gilroy. Gilroy is so brazenly contemporary in his approach to the origins of that most socially acceptable of space rebellions that Andor ends up feeling charmingly old-fashioned. Which is why this throwback fan-made trailer for Andor is so perfect. It takes something new about something old made in a contemporary style and mashes it up with a Six-Million Dollar Man, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, Battlestar Galactica 1978 kinda style. Here’s more from Auralnauts:
It’s 1975. A New Hope won’t be released for another two years, and George Lucas is mostly known as the American Graffiti guy. You just finished watching the latest episode of Barney Miller. “And now, we bring you tonight’s TV movie premiere. Get ready to travel to a far away galaxy that existed a long, long time ago. It’s the science fiction spectacular…ANDOR. Every Thursday night, only on ABC.”
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