RP2040 Feather ‘bones’ for a few different varieties


when we kicked off the adafruit feather series of boards we started with the atmega32u4 and made a bunch of PCBs that featured that chip with accessories at the end (https://www.adafruit.com/?q=feather+32u4&sort=BestMatch)

fun fact: the featherline is derived from the bluefruit micro which was a popular 32u4 + BLE devboard (https://www.adafruit.com/product/2661)

after the 32u4 we went to the SAMD21 which brought cortex M0 and some circuitpython-capability to the Feather line. the SAMD21 was like-wise compact enough we could add some components on the end (https://www.adafruit.com/?q=feather+m0&sort=BestMatch) with more people using circuitpython, the SAMD21 is a bit cramped with only 32KB of RAM.

it’d be better if we re-did the idea series but with the SAMD51 (https://www.adafruit.com/?q=feather+m4&sort=BestMatch) however, the samd51 uses a lot more PCB space and now-a-days we cant get SAMD51’s anyways so we thought, let’s maybe try a RP2040 Feather collection?

Here’s the ‘bones’ of the RP2040 SCORPIO but with everything we could do in 0402 and shoved to the left. we ‘test fitted’ a few popular modules/connectors to make sure they’d fit in the left-over cavity. can you guess what each one would be for, or maybe you have ideas for any ones we missed?

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  1. From top left to right.
    1. BLE module, NRF52840 footprint or perhaps something new?
    2. RFM silkscreen dead giveaway as a LORA/RFM module which brings up really neat possibilities with PIO.
    3. ESP32 based footprint
    4. Scorpio bones PCB
    5. TFT EyeSpi pass through cutout
    6. F09D looks like a DB9 connector?
    7. USB-A jack
    8. Midi Jack?
    9. Obviously SD Card
    10. Serial converter chip?
    11. EyeSPI connector
    12. External antenna?
    Best guesses, Looking forward to the new series of RP2040 feathers.

  2. it would be cool to get an RP2040 similar to the Sense, with all the sensors already packed onto a board, with a stemma to add additional boards or a camera…

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