Wanjiku “Wawa” Gatheru is a climate storyteller, Rhodes, Truman and Udall Scholar, All we Can Save Project Narrative Fellow, Activist Board Chair at the Environmental Media Association, former Revolutionary Power Fellow at the United States Department of Energy and the Founder of Black Girl Environmentalist.
Here’s a bit about Wawa Gatheru’s work with Black Girl Environmentalist:
Having been in the environmental and climate space for almost ten years, Wawa could not help but notice that while Black girls and women exist at the forefront of environmental injustice, they were amongst the least supported or celebrated in the mainstream environmental movement.
After years of feeling like “the only one,” Wawa decided to take matters into her own hands and created an organization that cultivates opportunities for OUR voices to be centered, rather than sidelined.
Today, the organization seeks to empower Black girls, women, and non-binary folks across various stages in their environmental careers through virtual and in-person programming, mentorship, and educational resources.
Don’t miss Wawa Gatheru’s site, read Want to Be an Environmentalist? Start With Antiracism on Glamour, follow @wawa_gatheru on Instagram, learn more about Black Girl Envinronmentalist and follow @blackgirlenvironmentalist on Instagram, and don’t miss from Climate Leadership Series: Rhiana Gunn-Wright & Wawa Gatheru from Rhodes Trust on YouTube, Wanjiku “Wawa” Gatheru, Tokata Iron Eyes and Stephanie Shepherd | The 2020 MAKERS Conference from MAKERS on YouTube, or Ep 3: Environmental Justice & Racism with Wanjiku “Wawa” Gatheru from Lonely Whale on YouTube.