Micropropagation of wild lingonberries

If you’ve been to Sweden, or possibly Ikea, you know about lingonberry (vaccinium vitis-idaea) which makes a nice meatball condiment, jam and soft drink. Having been introduced to wild lingonberries on Mount Washington, Aylo looks to cultivate some at home.

t turns out that most ornamental plants, and many commercial plants are grown not from seed, but basically from cuttings that are carefully grown in lab conditions to maximize growth and multiplication of the plants. This is called micropropogation, and its useful for getting (usually) genetically identical copies of plants. This is helpful for preserving desirable mutations.

You can probably see where this is going: tasty plant + new technique = a small project that will likely take many years to complete. I want to grow our local variety of lingonberries!

Check out the methodology and results in the post here.

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