We’ve got the New nEw NEW for you right here:
Adafruit PiCowbell CAN Bus for Pico – MCP2515 CAN Controller
Ding dong! Hear that? It’s the PiCowbell ringing, letting you know that the new Adafruit PiCowbell CAN Bus is in stock and ready to assist your Raspberry Pi Pico and Pico W project connect to CAN bus networks for automotive or robotics projects.
Conductive Plastic Slide Potentiometer Nubbin
While this may look like a standard-issue 11mm wide single-shot slide knob, it’s unique in that it’s made out of a conductive plastic material. That makes it a great match for potentiometers that have capacitive touch detection on the slider such as the 5V Motorized Slide Potentiometer we stock in the Adafruit shop.
Adafruit AS7341 10-Channel Light / Color Sensor Breakout – STEMMA QT / Qwiic
The Adafruit AS7341 10-Channel Light / Color Sensor Breakout is a multi-channel spectrometer, which is a special type of light sensor that is able to detect not only the amount of light present but also the amounts of light within different wavelengths. This means that you can use it to detect much better than the human eye is capable of, what color or colors of light is present.
Adafruit RGB Matrix Shield for Arduino
Our RGB matrices are dazzling, with their hundreds or even thousands of individual RGB LEDs. Compared to NeoPixels, they’ve got great density, power usage and the price-per-LED can’t be beat. But…(isn’t there always a but?) You need to use our special library to control them, and they require a bunch of wires to be plugged in. Tougher than a single-wire connection for sure.
Adafruit Ultimate GPS GNSS with USB – 99 channel w/10 Hz updates
The Ultimate GPS module you know and love has a glow-up to let it be easily used with any computer, not just microcontrollers! With the built-in USB-to-Serial converter, you can now plug-n-play the Ultimate GPS into your computer, laptop, embedded Linux computer, and more. Power and transport data over any USB type C cable, with handy onboard indicator LEDs that let you know fix status and whether data is being received & transmitted.
New Products 4/26/23 Feat. Adafruit PiCowbell CAN Bus for Pico – MCP2515 CAN Controller!
Visit www.adafruit.com/new for more info.