How Thin Can a Boombox Be? #MusicMonday

On the offhand chance you want to walk around with a boombox thinner than a trapper keeper and lighter than a first gen iPod, Joe Grand has you covered. Here’s more from Joe Grand:

Combining 1980s music culture with a retro future, The World’s Thinnest Boombox is a portable sound system featuring active electronics mounted onto an artistically designed printed circuit board. It measures 22 inches wide, 14 inches tall, and 0.45 inches thin, and blasts audio at over 90dB.

The hardware is based around a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 Wcomputing module and ultra-thin TDK PiezoListenspeakers. It also uses a Microchip CAP1166 capacitive touch sensor, a TI PCM5100A stereo DAC, two TI LM48580 piezo speaker drivers, and twenty-four NeoPixel RGB LEDs for a VU meter. It is powered by a 5000mAh rechargeable Lithium-Polymer battery. A cassette tape modified with neodymium magnets can be used to enable power to the boombox by placing it into the tape-shaped slot on the front of the circuit board.

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