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CNC Rotary Encoder – 100 Pulses per Rotation – 60mm Black
We have various PCB-mount rotary encoders in the shop, great for making interfaces where you may want to spin a knob around to select a value. These large knobs are also encoders, but very large – like hand-sized! They’re used for controlling CNC machines ‘manually’ – there’s 100 ticks per rotation so each rotation can easily align with a centimeter or inch. But they’re also really nice for any time where you want a large, 360-degree rotation, tactile interface.
CNC Rotary Encoder – 100 Pulses per Rotation – 60mm Silver
Unlike PCB-mount rotary encoder, these encoders are not soldered directly to a board. Instead, there are screw terminal blocks on the back to connect wires. Provide any DC voltage to VCC (for the pullup/positive voltage), and ground, and read A and B for the grey-code pulses. Once wired up, it works with any rotary encoder tutorial.
Mosfetti 4 Channel MOSFET Driver Board by Monk Makes
Looking for a small compact board to power up your high current relays, solenoids or LEDs? Well, look no further this new 4 channel Mosfetti by Monk Makes board is just what you need for driving up to 2 Amps per channel (2.5A max total) and up to 16V DC power.
The Mosfetti is a 4 channel MOSFET switch designed for maker projects. It is supplied as a PCB with surface mount components attached and header pins and screw terminals as a kit for the customer to solder if desired. Designed for use with RVs, model railroads, strobe lights, irrigation pumps or anything else you may want to control with ease!
Digi-Key Hackbox – Clue and PyLeap
Programming electronics has never been easier with Adafruit’s PyLeap, which lets users quickly and conveniently transfer code files and assets from the Adafruit Learn Systems to their Adafruit devices.
We worked with our friends over at Digi-Key to create a kit that is the perfect set of hardware for exploring PyLeap. The main board in this kit is the CLUE, which is designed for projects that use a ton of sensors – and they’re all built-in! So you can start exploring your world, measuring, logging, and learning. You can transmit data over Bluetooth to a computer or mobile device for data plotting and logging, or save it to the built-in storage. We included a few other accessories that can be built into a bunch of great projects – you will be a PyLeap expert in no time!
Adafruit I2S Amplifier BFF Add-On for QT Py and Xiao
Our QT Py boards are a great way to make very small microcontroller projects that pack a ton of power – and now we have a way for you to add an I2S 3 Watt amplifier, for high quality audio playback, that can fit on the back of your miniature dev board. It uses just three GPIO pins that do not intersect with the I2C/UART or SPI port.
We call this the Adafruit I2S Amp BFF – a “Best Friend Forever”. When you were a kid you may have learned about the “buddy” system, well this product is kinda like that! A board that will watch your QT Py’s back and give it more capabilities.
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