Man Sets up Telescope on NYC Street for Passersby To Catch a Glimpse of Saturn

Living in NYC we don’t get a lot of opportunities to observe the celestial bodies of the night sky. Light pollution here is about as bad as it gets, so when we get the chance, some of us jump at it.

Brooklyn resident Joe Delfausse recently set up an impromptu astronomy display to look at Saturn and its rings. Joe has been doing this for years but recently went viral for the line of eager New Yorkers that formed.

Via My Modern Met:

This quirky scene was captured in a now-viral video. In the footage, a long line of people await their turn to look through the telescope, which casually sits in the middle of the road. Beside it, its owner stands by, likely ready to help or offer some insightful commentary. Those in the cars driving by the scene don’t even look mad, and seem to slow down to figure out what’s going on.

More from Gothamist, and the New York Post:

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