Katherine Freese is a theoretical astrophysicist. She is an early contributor to work on dark matter. Along with dark matter Freese has worked on the beginning, big bang, expansion theories, and much more.
Watch Freese discuss some fundamental theories on Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati. At about the 10:15 mark she also addresses bringing more women to STEM:
Explore the captivating world of cosmology in this exclusive interview by Paolo Salucci with renowned University of Michigan cosmologist Katherine Frese. Join us as we delve into the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy, explain how DNA could play a role dark matter detectors and ponder what kind of new physics would fill the gaps in our knowledge of the universe. The video also touches on the importance of the human side of research, reflecting on how to engage more women in scientific exploration and importance of visible female scientists as rolemodels.
More mysteries in the Universe? With Katherine Freese
Happy Ada Lovelace Day! Today, in honor of Ada Lovelace, the world celebrates all of the accomplishments of women in science, art, design, technology, engineering, and math. Each year, Adafruit highlights a number of women who are pioneering their fields and inspiring women of all ages to make their voices heard. Today we will be sharing the stories of women that we think are modern day “Adas” alongside historical women that have made impacts in science and math.