The best part of streaming video isn’t that you can find what you’re looking for, the best part of streaming video is that you can discover something you weren’t looking for at all. The glorious discovery of strange old movies is what streaming services are all about. Where else can you be tooling around and find something like Battle Beyond the Stars, a sci fi version of Seven Samurai, directed by Roger Corman, with design by James Cameron, starring, among others, Robert Vaughan, who played the exact same version of a Seven Samurai character he played in another version of the Seven Samurai, The Magnificent Seven. Here’s a list of five science fiction movies that are so bad they’re good, from Gizmodo:
Ed Wood is called the worst director who has ever lived. Whether that’s the case or not, Wood never managed to become a successful director. He created many low-budget movies that had low ratings as well. His most infamous piece is Plan 9 from Outer Space. In the movie, aliens decide to attack Earth, and to do so, they bring back from the dead a few people. Literally, just a few since the movie didn’t have enough budget to pay more actors or create a believable spaceship, so it’s obvious everything that appears in the movie is fake.
Special effects aren’t everything, after all, multiple low-budget movies did well, but Plan 9 from Outer Space fails also as a story because it just doesn’t make sense. One example – in some movies, instead of Bela Lugosi, the iconic Dracula actor, the audience sees another person who’s just pretending to be Lugosi and is covering his face. It’s mistakes like these that make the movie hilarious so even though it could never win an Oscar, Plan 9 from Outer Space does have a certain type of charm.