The folks here are Adafruit would like to wish each and every one of you a Happy Thanksgiving! We would also like to thank you for the support – we’re excited to keep growing with you.
To celebrate Thanksgiving this year we wanted to focus on all that we’re thankful for, so we asked our team to share! You can see their responses below.
Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Adafruit!
thankful to work together with a group of people that believe in a good cause and good business
I am grateful to a year full of healing, blessings and beautiful friendships.
This Thanksgiving I am thankful for a lot of things. Most importantly for life and my job. I am so appreciative for this company, the relationships that I’ve made here and the work that I’m doing. Thank you Limor, Phil & Luna for everything. Thank you to all my 10th Floor coworkers. Thank you to Janine for helping me get this job and for everything. Thank you everyone!!! Happy Thanksgiving all!!!
I am thankful for my family and friends!
Also thankful for Adafruit for always being there
and being the best work place ever!
I’m grateful for so many things, but especially grateful for both my biological family and my chosen family, and all the love that surrounds us.
I am thankful for all the blessings I have received, especially those over the last four years. I wish the best for all.
I’m thankful for my little rescue dog, who’s been with me for a year now and is snoring beside my chair.
I’m thankful for good health and family!