Part one : Where’s the mic?
“Breaker breaker , any takers? This is the the one and only Delchi hunting for bear on I-95 South , keeping that double nickel and keeping the sunny side up & the greasy side down! We gone!” 1
I was looking for some new gaming frontiers when I came across truck simulators! All the skill & thrill of a big rig from your PC. As with all simulators there are button boxes and realistic cockpits to buy, but one thing I didn’t see was a CB radio mic! They expect us to use desktop mics, headsets or some other hoo-haw instead of the ol jabberjaw microphone! A little deeper digging showed that you can buy adapters, but they ranged from $180 to $300! ( Granted the $300 one is an awesome button box and has a lot of realistic controls along with the mCB mic.)
Well the first thing I did was say “Belgium” to that, and pulled Rolling Thunder across the room to my workbench and got to work. This was going to be a project that would work with Truck simulators, sub simulators and more! Grab that soldering iron, the wire clippers and that drill over there! It’s time to start making!
Read more at CB Microphone for your PC – Breaker Breaker any takers?
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