Spend Christmas Among the Stars in Six Intergalactic Holiday Specials

Fun post from Leah Schnelbach over at Tor.com:

Lots of shows decide they need a little Christmas come December, but they’re not quite sure how to do it. Do you talk about the big Jesus-shaped elephant in the room? Do you just focus on Santa? Do you, I don’t know, cast Juliana Hatfield as an angel or make miracles happen on Walker, Texas Ranger?

This late-December urge becomes extra fun when sci-fi shows try it—they don’t usually want to deal with the religious aspect of Christmas, but they still have to find a way to explain Santa and presents (and maybe just a dash of Christianity) to aliens who are already confused enough just trying to deal with humans. So most of them fall back on humans teaching aliens about “goodwill” or “being kind to others.” This leads to some amazing moments, as we’ll see.

Unlike so many holiday-themed recommendation write-ups, this list is full of absolutely out-there, likely-forgotten-about gems. I will definitely be cueing up ALF’s Special Christmas after reading this.

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