Generate AI art for your TV using voice commands with Raspberry Pi #ArtTuesday #Art #AI @TomsHardware @hacksterio @Raspberry_Pi

Raspberry Pi smart home technology just keeps getting more fun and easier to access, thanks to projects like one from maker DevMiser. Their latest creation, known as Lumina, brings AI image generation into your living room. It uses a Raspberry Pi to create artwork on the fly using open-source AI tools.

The device is designed to plug into a TV via HDMI. Instead of using a keyboard for input, it relies on speech-to-text to retrieve prompts for the AI image generator. Just tell Lumina what sort of image you want to be created and wait for the request to be processed. Once it’s created an image, it will display automatically on the TV.

Lumina uses a custom Python script (GitHub). It calls upon a few other tools, including Picovoice, to handle the speech-to-text, as well as DALL-E 3 from OpenAI to generate the images. All of the software is handled by a Raspberry Pi 4, but you could definitely get away with using a Raspberry Pi 5 if you’ve got one on hand.

The project uses a number of Adafruit products listed on the project GitHub page.

See the video below and more on and Tom’s Hardware

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