New Products 2/21/24 Feat. Double-Sided Single Color 12V #LEDStrip – Natural White – 1m!

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5863 01

Double-Sided Single Color 12V LED Strip – Natural White 4500K – 1 meter

They’re bright, they’re white, and they light up the night – look at them too close, and you may get spots in your sight… This is a Single Color, Double-Sided LED strip with 336 bright 2.6mm x 3.2mm white LEDs adorning both surfaces of a 6mm wide, 1 meter long LED strip.

We particularly like these strips because they are both incredibly bright and provide near-360-degree illumination, with a thin strip so it can easily be integrated into any design.

This strip variant has ~4500K ‘natural’ white LEDs. These sit between warm and cool, so they’re good for clean, indoor lighting effects that aren’t too intense.

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5861 02

Adafruit Neon-like NeoPixel Strip – RGBW Cool White – 144 LED/m – 5V – 1 meter

This RGBW NeoPixel strip comes in a Neon-like Silicone Tubing, combining the best of “Addressable NeoPixels” and “Ruggedized LED Neon” for a great looking, high-density, easily programmable, and very durable light strip. It has a diffused look like neon, but without needing expensive transformers, glass tubing, inert gasses, or a Las Vegas casino license.

It’s flexible and bendy with a solid chunk of translucent silicone rubber as a diffuser; the diffuser is rounded, and we also have a similar NeoPixel Neon LED strip with a flat diffuser. In particular, what we like about this one is it’s 144 LEDs/meter and can be driven from 5V power.

The silicone makes for a strong, durable weather-proof casing. While not guaranteed for dunking underwater or long-term outdoor exposure, they’re durable enough for projects that survive the outdoors, like cosplay, bike lighting, or festival decorations. You can cut this stuff with wire cutters if you want to shorten it, but you cannot join the pieces together again afterward.

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4868 05

Adafruit 1.54″ Tri-Color eInk / ePaper Display with SRAM – 200×200 with SSD1681 and EYESPI

Easy e-paper finally comes to microcontrollers, with this breakout that’s designed to make it a breeze to add a tri-color eInk display. Chances are you’ve seen one of those new-fangled ‘e-readers’ like the Kindle or Nook. They have gigantic electronic paper ‘static’ displays – that means the image stays on the display even when power is completely disconnected. The image is also high contrast and very daylight readable. It really does look just like printed paper!

We’ve liked these displays for a long time, but breakouts were never designed for makers to use. Finally, we decided to make our own!

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3356 10

Adafruit Animated Eyes Bonnet for Raspberry Pi Mini Kit – Without Displays

The Snake Eyes Bonnet is a Raspberry Pi accessory for driving two 128×128 pixel OLED or TFT LCD displays and also provides four analog inputs for sensors. It’s perfect for making cosplay masks, props, spooky sculptures for Halloween, animatronics, robots…anything where you want to add a pair of animated eyes!

This product is just the Pi Bonnet itself and some headers so you can plug it into a Pi. While it will work with any Raspberry Pi with a 2×20 Header (Pi B+, Pi 2, Pi 3, Pi 4, Pi 5, or Pi Zero, etc) you’ll get best performance from a Pi 3 since we do some heavy-duty OpenGL rendering!

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