Flop rock: inside the underground floppy disk music scene #Floppy #Music @Verge
The first computery thing Alexis Ong did in the year 2024 was to nudge a 3.5-inch floppy disk into a USB floppy drive bought from an online merchant working out of Singapore’s onetime hotbed of ’90s computer piracy.
Clicking on the disk’s sole file, an MP3 titled “Inability to Perform Social Activities Is Considered Inferior,” and Yasuyuki Uesugi’s growling wall of experimental noise rolled like a rogue wave at the beach. The track is one minute, 27 seconds long, and at 1.33MB, it almost hits the diskette’s limit of 1.44MB.
These small treasures have all come from a floppy-only net label called Floppy Kick, a one-man operation run by Mark Windisch in Debrecen, Hungary. Each disk is numbered as part of a limited run.
Floppy disk music arguably peaked in the 2010s, but in the 2020s, it’s still going strong; Discogs.com shows a healthy 500-plus floppy releases in the 2020 category, which is more than the documented number of floppy music releases in the ’80s, ’90s, and ’00s altogether.
Read more about the floppy music scene on The Verge.
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