From the mail bag…

Mailbag animated1

From the mail bag!

Just wanted to let you know how happy I am to use the
products that you provide. I’ve got my own household environmental sensor
setup that is powered by Circuit Python, STEMMA, and a little bit of
Raspberry Pi, almost all from Adafruit. I’ve set up an internal web
interface, and even use MagTags to report the current air quality. I’m
still in the process of doing a writeup on how I did it.
The reason I’m sending you this message is that just added a new sensor to a
new room, and it took all of 15 minutes to do. I would not have been able
to do that so quickly and cleanly had it not been for the provided Circuit
Python libraries, the Feature S2 from Unexpected Maker, and the STEMMA
temperature sensor, all from Adafruit. The Learning Guides have been very
helpful starting points.
Anyway, the point is, thank you. You help to enable the causal maker.

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