Tutorial: Sound Reactive Paper Lanterns – Dance to the Music of the Spheres

Music of the Spheres

Full tutorial: https://learn.adafruit.com/sound-reactive-paper-lanterns-with-led-fx

Check out the latest tutorial from Erin St Blaine: make a strand of sound reactive paper lanterns and hang them in your space. Control them with a Feather ESP32 running WLED software. Add sound reactive animations using the sound on your computer over WiFi using the free, open source LEDFx software. This software makes it easy to add customizable sound reactivity to your lights.  From the guide:

 Create an array of paper lanterns and control them with sound. This guide uses a Feather ESP32 V2 loaded with the free, open source WLED software. WLED runs on the Feather, using WiFi to allow you to control the lights with your phone, PC, or any wifi-enabled device. This is a lot of fun, and will make for a beautiful piece of light art in your space that’s easy to control and program with your phone. But this guide goes further! WLED interfaces seamlessly with LED Fx, an open-source program that runs on your computer to capture and analyze sound, either from your music player or from your computer’s microphone. It takes the sound and translates it into light effects, so your lights can run sound-reactive animations over WiFi without needing to add a physical microphone.

See the YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/gD9YYyKyNok

Feather ESP32
NeoPixel Rings


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