is a Browser-Based CircuitPython Editor and Serial Terminal

CircuitPython web editor and terminal

Would you like to be able to edit CircuitPython code, upload and download files to and from your CircuitPython board, and connect to its serial terminal, all from inside a browser? Check out! It runs in Chromium-based browsers like Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Opera, so you don’t need to install anything. can connect to boards using the CircuitPython WiFi workflow, or over USB. If the board presents a CIRCUITPY drive, it will access files through that. But it allows you to also read and write files via the CircuitPython serial connection, if you are using a board that does not have native USB storage. And it connects to the CircuitPython board’s REPL through a built-in serial terminal. Additionally you can now upload and download image and sound files for your code, which was previously not an option except with Web Workflow.

MakerMelissa developed this editor some time ago for Adafruit, but it hasn’t been publicized widely. Recently she added support for boards without a CIRCUITPY drive.

Further enhancements are planned for the editor. If you find bugs or have suggestions, go to the GitHub repo, review the current issues list, and file a new issue if you’d like. More documentation will be availabl later too.

(Note: Opera on Linux cannot see the serial devices, but Opera on Windows seems fine.)

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