The Adafruit Feather ecosystem is so rich with hardware diversity, we wanted to share them, one each day. Today is the Adafruit Feather M0 RFM69HCW Packet Radio – 868 or 915 MHz – RadioFruit!
We call these RadioFruits, our take on an microcontroller with a RFM69HCW packet radio transceiver plus built in USB and battery charging. It’s an Adafruit Feather M0 with a 900MHz radio module cooked in!
Feather is the new development board from Adafruit, and like its namesake it is thin, light, and lets you fly! We designed Feather to be a new standard for portable microcontroller cores. We have other boards in the Feather family, check’em out here.
This is the 900 MHz radio version, which can be used for either 868MHz or 915MHz transmission/reception – the exact radio frequency is determined when you load the software since it can be tuned around dynamically. We also sell a 433 MHz version of the same radio chipset!
At the Feather M0’s heart is an ATSAMD21G18 ARM Cortex M0 processor, clocked at 48 MHz and at 3.3V logic, the same one used in the Arduino Zero. This chip has a whopping 256K of FLASH (8x more than the Atmega328 or 32u4) and 32K of RAM (16x as much)! This chip comes with built in USB so it has USB-to-Serial program & debug capability built in with no need for an FTDI-like chip.
The Adafruit Feather M0 Radio with RFM69 Packet Radio Guide provides all the details and use examples.
Would you like to see this Feather in action? Check out the project below:
In stock! You can buy the Adafruit Feather M0 RFM69HCW Packet Radio – 868 or 915 MHz – RadioFruit in the Adafruit shop.