Cámara Poética: the original poetry camera?

Camara Poetica 1

Via Raspberrypi.org

You might remember this post from earlier in the year about a camera that writes poems. It uses a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W together with one of our camera modules and a thermal printer to create poems instead of pictures. Well, Elías Sarquis spotted the post and got in touch to tell us about his creation, Cámara Poética.

Cámara Poética is different, in that it takes captures and keeps the images as well as translating them into poetic verses. Elías calls these “poetographies”. It uses a Raspberry Pi 3B+ with a 5 MP camera (later upgraded to 8 MP), Google Cloud Vision, and an algorithm based on Markov chains to generate poetic texts. This project required a lot of exploration of how Raspberry Pi works and how Elías could use it to develop this new post-photographic language, as he calls it.

Learn more!

Reportaje Tecnopoetico Maradona 2048x571

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