ICYMI (In case you missed it) – the IoT Monthly Newsletter from AdafruitDaily.com went out this morning!
If you missed it, subscribe now! – You’ll get one newsletter each month.
The next newsletter goes out in a month and being subscribed is the best way to keep up with all the Internet of Things. No spam, no selling lists, leave any time. Over 6,000+ subscribers worldwide!
Here’s a peek at the September 2024 issue…
Coming Soon – Adafruit IO Day
The first annual “Adafruit IO Day” is coming up soon. Join us Online on October 10th (10/10 = IO/IO) for a day full of IoT projects, tutorials, and more!
IoT Projects
Grill Thermometer Dashboard
Cook your meats and non-meats with ultimate instrumentation! The Grill Thermometer Dashboard lets you monitor common Bluetooth LE temperature probes over the internet. – Adafruit Learning System
Reading my electric meter with RTL-SDR
Jeff Sandberg writes about using a radio dongle to interface his home’s smart power meters with his home automation dashboard. – PDX.su
Smart LED Dice Box
A dice box to interface with Pixels IoT Gaming Dice. Rolling the dice sets the dice box light’s to sparkle, glow certain colors, and display status information. – HackADay
Where’s My Friend? A Location-Aware Display
Where’s my friend? Build this simple IoT project to display a friend’s or loved one’s location on an Adafruit PyPortal. – Adafruit Learning System
Decorative Dorm Lights, Controllable by Anyone
Riley Hutton modified a decommissioned traffic light to accept input from the Internet and made it public so anyone could control it. – TomsHardware
IoT News and More!
The First Fitbit
The inside story on the development of the first Fitbit wearable. – IEEE Spectrum
PrivacyLens uses thermal imaging to turn people into stick figures
PrivacyLens’ novel camera system allows digital video capture while removing identifying features from an image frame. – arstechnica
Why has the Internet of Things failed?
Pete Warden writes about the original pitch of IoT and compares it to the reality in 2024. – Pete Warden
Espressif Releases a Longevity Commitment Program
Espressif provides a minimum longevity commitment for every product series, ranging from 12 years (ESP32-S Series) to 15 years (ESP32 Series). – Espressif
Who Ya’ Gonna Call? Why IoT Companies Should Embrace Vulnerability Disclosure Programs
Consumer Report’s Stacey Higginbotham writes about why manufacturers should embrace vulnerability disclosure programs for IoT devices. – Consumer Reports