World Building Through Fight Scenes #SciFiSunday

Someone once said that fight scenes in action stories are like songs in musicals: at their best, fights carry on the story, themes, and character concerns of the overall story. There’s nothing worse than the feeling that, in a musical, the story stops for a song. The same is true of an action movie. A fight scene should communicate as much as a dialogue scene. In this essay from the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writer’s Association, Corrine A. Kumar explores the ways a fight scene an contribute to world building. Here’s more from SFWA:

Integrating magic and technology into fight scenes can be a fantastic method of introducing your world. In her Greenbone Saga series, Fonda Lee does this masterfully by having her characters utilize all six jade-based powers in single duels. This teaches readers how the magic system works in an organic way that also makes her fight scenes feel unique to her world.

This is easier to remember with powers that are clearly useful in combat, such as enhanced strength and speed. However, even subtle powers can be useful. For example, if all a character can do is make their hands glow, this slight magic could be used to distract an opponent at a critical moment. In a fight, even a single small opportunity can be all it takes to win.

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