Sweet Green Has Robots Tossing Salads #MakeRobotFriends

Video segment from PIX11 News

Dubbed the “infinite kitchen” by SweetGreen, this automated system prepares your salad with minimal input from human workers. SweetGreen asserts that no workers have lost their job from the system and claims they are, in fact, expanding. Proponents of automation argue more robots in the workforce will actually increase job growth. What do you think of robot kitchens?

From NYTimes A Robot Made My Lunch

Restaurant robots hold the potential to reduce labor costs over time, reshaping the work force. A study of “automatable work” in New York by the Center for an Urban Future several years ago found that 84 percent of the work done by restaurant cooks could be automated. “We’re going to continue to see more and more restaurants adopt automation in their operations,” Rigie said, “but we’re a far ways off from the Jetsons.”

Sweetgreen says its automated systems can turn out churn out 500 bowls in an hour, compared with a top human speed of about 300. It also says that locations using the Infinite Kitchen system are considerably more profitable than the average: One in Naperville, Ill., has a profit margin of more than 31 percent, well above the 20.7 percent average for the chain.

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