Investors pump money into Silicon Valley startups but only a fraction of those start ups go the distance. The ones that fail can leave behind piles of unused equipment. A company called Silicon Valley Disposition liquidates assets of shuttered start ups (and more) through auctions. Anything from a “balloon launch station” to “20,000 e-scooters” are up for the bidding.
SVD is like a version of eBay, if eBay specialized in bioreactors, sold $956,000 welding robots and offered laptops by the hundred. The company doesn’t deliver merchandise to buyers, and it doesn’t guarantee whether the stuff actually works. Potential buyers register to bid online on SVD’s website, and once the auctions begin, they typically have from Tuesday to Thursday to make their offers. SVD runs 80 to 100 auctions a year, Carroll said, and winners are expected to pick up their gear in person from zombie office buildings or overflowing storerooms.
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