17 O’Clock: a watch using Roman numerals with just 17 LEDs
Hackaday.io user mclien has built a portable timepiece which uses Roman numerals for the hour and minute.
“I was in need of a time telling device, which could pass in Fantasy LARP Setup as some magical device which enhances your “feeling for time” and tells the time in a somewhat disguised manner other than binary. It all started with a new page of a favored webcomic of mine.
The watch uses a high precision RTC module to keep the time, which is also the only permanently powered component of it. Everything else is powered on via a power latching circuit, which turns on the MCU to show the time. All build into a custom case made from laser cut plywood.”
The build uses an Adafruit Trinket M0 microcontroller to poll the real-time clock and display the time on the NeoPixel LEDs when a button is pushed.
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