Notes on a Teacher’s Music Conference #MusicMonday
What do music teachers talk about when they talk about the future? Find out in this report from the annual Missouri state music teachers conference! Here’s more from Music Matters:
Our opening session titled “Innovating for the Future” included a panel with renowned leaders in the field of music education – Dr. Jennifer Snow, CEO and Executive Director of the Frances Clark Center; Dr. Courtney Crappell, long-time columnist for the American Music Teacher magazine and Dean of UMKC; Andrea Miller, founder of Music Studio Startup; Dr. Curtis Pavey, UMKC Assistant Professor and Manager of Online Publications for the Frances Clark Center for Keyboard Pedagogy; Dr. Sara Ernst, Associate Professor at University of Oklahoma and Director of Teacher Engagement and programming for the National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy; and Dr. Christopher Madden, UMKC Assistant Professor and co-author of the Technique through Repertoire books. They were tasked with finishing the statement, “I believe in a future that…” I appreciated hearing the vision each of them shared for the future of music teaching as a profession and was challenged with a number of questions to consider for myself, my studio, and our community. Very thought-provoking!
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