Filed under: computers, Repair, vintage computing —
Tags: computer, Radio Shack, repair, tandy1000 —
Tags: computer, Radio Shack, repair, tandy1000 —
Desk of Ladyada – I2S DACs, Claude API, and Compute Module Backpack #adafruit @adafruit
— by Anne Barela
Filed under: Adafruit Video, audio, cameras, Compute Module, Desk of Ladyada, Raspberry Pi —
Tags: audio, compute module, DAC, i2c, PiCam —
Tags: audio, compute module, DAC, i2c, PiCam —
EYE on NPI – ST ST25R200 NFC/HF RFID Reader IC #EYEonNPI #digikey @ST_World @digikey @adafruit
— by Anne Barela
Filed under: Adafruit Video, ask-an-engineer, components & parts, EYE on NPI, NFC, rfid / nfc —
Tags: access card, access control, card, chip, hf, near field, NFC, payment, reader, RFID, st, ST25R200 —
Tags: access card, access control, card, chip, hf, near field, NFC, payment, reader, RFID, st, ST25R200 —
Filed under: Adafruit Top Secret, Adafruit Video, ask-an-engineer —
Tags: don't ask, from the vault, It's not out yet, makers, secret, top secret, Upcoming —
Tags: don't ask, from the vault, It's not out yet, makers, secret, top secret, Upcoming —
Filed under: Adafruit Video, CircuitPython, micropython, Newsletter, Programming, python, Python on hardware, Python on Microcontrollers —
Tags: circuitpython, MicroPython, Newsletter, python, Python on hardware —
Tags: circuitpython, MicroPython, Newsletter, python, Python on hardware —
Filed under: Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi 3, Raspberry Pi 4, Raspberry Pi 5 —
Tags: performance, raspberry pi, testing —
Tags: performance, raspberry pi, testing —