Filed under: adafruit learning system, CircuitPython, clocks —
Tags: adafruit learn guide, circuitpython, digital clock —
Tags: adafruit learn guide, circuitpython, digital clock —
Filed under: clocks, Nintendo, reverse engineering —
Tags: clock, Doom, hacking, nintendo, reverse engineering —
Tags: clock, Doom, hacking, nintendo, reverse engineering —
The LifeTime
— by Kelly
NEW GUIDE: QT Py CH32V203 eInk / ePaper Daily Calendar and Clock #Arduino #AdafruitLearningSystem @Adafruit
— by Liz Clark
Filed under: adafruit learning system, arduino, Breakout Boards, CH32V, clocks, displays, EYESPI, QT Py, QT Py BFF, Stemma QT —
Tags: arduino, CH32V203, DS3231, eInk, ePaper, EPD, eyespi bff, qt py, qt py bff, QT Py CH32V203 eInk / ePaper Daily Calendar and Clock, real time clock, rtc, thinkink —
Tags: arduino, CH32V203, DS3231, eInk, ePaper, EPD, eyespi bff, qt py, qt py bff, QT Py CH32V203 eInk / ePaper Daily Calendar and Clock, real time clock, rtc, thinkink —
Filed under: 3D printing, clocks, design and architecture —
Tags: 3D printing, clock, design, Iphone, mobile phone —
Tags: 3D printing, clock, design, Iphone, mobile phone —
Filed under: clocks, feather, FeatherWing of the Day —
Tags: adalogger, logging, pcf8523, real time clock, rtc, sd card —
Tags: adalogger, logging, pcf8523, real time clock, rtc, sd card —