Filed under: Adafruit Video, feather, Grand Central, manufacturing, MONSTER M4SK, NYC —
Tags: feather, FeatherWing, funhouse, grand central m4, made in nyc, manufacturing, mini hot plate, monster m4sk, nyc —
Tags: feather, FeatherWing, funhouse, grand central m4, made in nyc, manufacturing, mini hot plate, monster m4sk, nyc —
Filed under: gps, manufacturing, MONSTER M4SK, NYC —
Tags: gps hat, made in nyc, manufacturing, monster m4sk, nyc, tubman —
Tags: gps hat, made in nyc, manufacturing, monster m4sk, nyc, tubman —
Filed under: displays, halloween, MONSTER M4SK —
Tags: arduino, circuitpython, eyeballs, hallowing, monster m4sk —
Tags: arduino, circuitpython, eyeballs, hallowing, monster m4sk —
Filed under: halloween, manufacturing, MONSTER M4SK, NYC —
Tags: ads1015, halloween, hallowingm4, made in nyc, manufacturing, monster m4sk, nyc —
Tags: ads1015, halloween, hallowingm4, made in nyc, manufacturing, monster m4sk, nyc —
Best of Made in NYC Featuring #Adafruit #MonsterM4sk & #CircuitPlaygroundBluefruit @Adafruit
— by Andy
Filed under: Adafruit Video, circuit playground, Circuit Playground Bluefruit, manufacturing, MONSTER M4SK, NYC —
Tags: Adafruit, adafruit team, auto-bagger, circuit playground bluefruit, made in nyc, manufacturing, monster m4sk, nyc, prototyping, tester —
Tags: Adafruit, adafruit team, auto-bagger, circuit playground bluefruit, made in nyc, manufacturing, monster m4sk, nyc, prototyping, tester —
Filed under: adafruit learning system, DIY, education, MONSTER M4SK, science fiction, tutorials —
Tags: animated, animatronic, art, diy projects, ent, erin st blaine, erinstblaine, eyeballs, living, Lord of the Rings, lotr, movie, oak, prop, sculpture, Tolkien, treebeard —
Tags: animated, animatronic, art, diy projects, ent, erin st blaine, erinstblaine, eyeballs, living, Lord of the Rings, lotr, movie, oak, prop, sculpture, Tolkien, treebeard —
Filed under: Adabox, adafruit learning system, Cartoons, CircuitPython, cosplay, costuming, DIY, halloween, MONSTER M4SK, open source, tutorials, Uncategorized, wearables —
Tags: animatronic, bark, cosplay, dark crystal, diy, erin st blaine, fizgig, fizzgig, gelfling, jim henson, Make, movie, OLED, prop, puppet, robot, robotic —
Tags: animatronic, bark, cosplay, dark crystal, diy, erin st blaine, fizgig, fizzgig, gelfling, jim henson, Make, movie, OLED, prop, puppet, robot, robotic —
NEW GUIDE: Monster M4sk Is Watching You #AdafruitLearningSystem #MonsterM4sk #Adafruit #Halloween @Adafruit @PanasonicUSA
— by Anne Barela
Filed under: adafruit learning system, MONSTER M4SK, sensorsparts, tutorials —
Tags: eye movements, heat seeking, IR, monster m4sk, sensor, thermal, thermalsensing —
Tags: eye movements, heat seeking, IR, monster m4sk, sensor, thermal, thermalsensing —
Filed under: MONSTER M4SK, projects, sensorsparts —
Tags: grid eye, infrared, monster m4sk, monster mask, sensors —
Tags: grid eye, infrared, monster m4sk, monster mask, sensors —