Filed under: art, cosplay, costuming, culture, customer projects, fashion, gift ideas, LEDs, maker business, Makers, people, vintage, wearables, Women In STEM —
Tags: Aesthetic, bluemoon, edwardian ball, fair, fashion, historic, lights, makers, sf, steampunk, women —
Tags: Aesthetic, bluemoon, edwardian ball, fair, fashion, historic, lights, makers, sf, steampunk, women —
Filed under: holiday, space, Women In STEM, women's history month, Women's History Month —
Tags: NASA, whm24, women's history month —
Tags: NASA, whm24, women's history month —
Filed under: Adafruit Blog, Adafruit Video, art, cosplay, costuming, culture, customer projects, DIY, editorial, education, events, fashion, maker business, Makerfaire, Makers, people, robotics, STEM, wearables, Women In STEM —
Tags: 2023, art, art cars, astrobotanicals, diet coke and mentos, dumpling, exhibit, inflatable, installation, led art, led sculpture, makerfaire, makers, performance —
Tags: 2023, art, art cars, astrobotanicals, diet coke and mentos, dumpling, exhibit, inflatable, installation, led art, led sculpture, makerfaire, makers, performance —