Filed under: computers, retro —
Tags: 3D graphics, antiques, retro computing, SGI, silicon graphics, vintage computers —
Tags: 3D graphics, antiques, retro computing, SGI, silicon graphics, vintage computers —
Better 3D graphics on the Arduino: avoiding flickering and tearing #Arduino #Graphics
— by Anne Barela
Filed under: arduino, displays, graphics, leds-lcds, Programming —
Tags: 3D graphics, Arduino Uno, display shield, displays, graphics, ILI9341, LCD, lcd shield, tft lcd —
Tags: 3D graphics, Arduino Uno, display shield, displays, graphics, ILI9341, LCD, lcd shield, tft lcd —
Filed under: displays, graphics, micropython, projects —
Tags: 3D graphics, MicroPython, OLED Display —
Tags: 3D graphics, MicroPython, OLED Display —