Time Travel Tuesday #timetravel a look back at the Adafruit, maker, science, technology and engineering world
— by Jessica
Filed under: computers, design and architecture, educators, events, history, photos, space, STEM, time travel, Women In STEM —
Tags: activists, architecture, comet, math, microsoft, NASA, Netscape, time travel, time travel tuesday, women in STEM —
Tags: activists, architecture, comet, math, microsoft, NASA, Netscape, time travel, time travel tuesday, women in STEM —
Time Travel Tuesday #timetravel a look back at the Adafruit, maker, science, technology and engineering world
— by Jessica
Filed under: arduino, EE, events, history, open source hardware, science, space, STEM, time travel, Women In STEM, women's history month, Women's History Month —
Tags: activists, arduino, asteroid, electrical engineer, open source hardware, science, space, time travel, time travel tuesday, women in STEM —
Tags: activists, arduino, asteroid, electrical engineer, open source hardware, science, space, time travel, time travel tuesday, women in STEM —
Time Travel Tuesday #timetravel a look back at the Adafruit, maker, science, technology and engineering world
— by Jessica
Filed under: Adafruit Blog, computers, design and architecture, EE, history, NYC, physics, retro, science, STEM, time travel —
Tags: activists, architecture, computer science, engadget, inventions, telegraph, time travel, time travel tuesday —
Tags: activists, architecture, computer science, engadget, inventions, telegraph, time travel, time travel tuesday —
Time Travel Tuesday #timetravel a look back at the Adafruit, maker, science, technology and engineering world
— by Jessica
Filed under: Adafruit Blog, ald, books, community, EE, EE bookshelf, EMSL & EggBot, history, maker business, science, space, STEM, time travel, wearables, Women In STEM —
Tags: activists, books, chemistry, EMSL, Engineering, space, time travel, time travel tuesday, Wearables, women in STEM —
Tags: activists, books, chemistry, EMSL, Engineering, space, time travel, time travel tuesday, Wearables, women in STEM —
Time Travel Tuesday #timetravel a look back at the Adafruit, maker, science, technology and engineering world
— by Jessica
Filed under: Breakout Boards, computers, EE, events, history, holiday, physics, retro, science, space, STEM, time travel —
Tags: activists, breakout boards, computing, Engineering, monkeys, space, time travel, time travel tuesday, USA —
Tags: activists, breakout boards, computing, Engineering, monkeys, space, time travel, time travel tuesday, USA —
Filed under: art, biohacking —
Tags: activists, biohack, cyborg, earthquake, moon ribas, neil harbisson —
Tags: activists, biohack, cyborg, earthquake, moon ribas, neil harbisson —
Time Travel Tuesday #timetravel a look back at the Adafruit, maker, science, technology and engineering world
— by Jessica
Filed under: events, history, science, site updates, STEM, time travel, Women In STEM —
Tags: activists, atmel, biology, nature, Nobel Prize, Physics, wishlists, Women Engineers —
Tags: activists, atmel, biology, nature, Nobel Prize, Physics, wishlists, Women Engineers —
Time travel Tuesday #timetravel a look back at the Adafruit, maker, science, technology and engineering world
— by Jessica
Filed under: ald, events, fashion, history, science, space, time travel —
Tags: activists, art, astronauts, element 98, fashion, satellites, soccer, women —
Tags: activists, art, astronauts, element 98, fashion, satellites, soccer, women —