Filed under: Adabox, circuit playground, feather, gift guides, MakeCode, Metro, microcontrollers, trinket —
Tags: adabox, adabox006, circuit playground, Circuit Python, circuitpython, feather, Feather M0, gift guide, itsybitsy m0, MakeCode, metro, metro m0, microsoft, microsoft makecode, trinket, trinket m0 —
Tags: adabox, adabox006, circuit playground, Circuit Python, circuitpython, feather, Feather M0, gift guide, itsybitsy m0, MakeCode, metro, metro m0, microsoft, microsoft makecode, trinket, trinket m0 —
From the Forums: #3DPrinted Circuit Playground Express Arc Reactor #MakeCode #AdaBox006 #WearableWednesday
— by Stephanie
Filed under: 3D printing, Adabox, circuit playground, CircuitPython, cosplay, costuming, customer projects —
Tags: 3DPrinting, adabox, adabox006, circuit playground express, circuitpython, cosplay, costuming, customer projects, from the forums, MakeCode, neopixel, wearable, wearable wednesday —
Tags: 3DPrinting, adabox, adabox006, circuit playground express, circuitpython, cosplay, costuming, customer projects, from the forums, MakeCode, neopixel, wearable, wearable wednesday —