Maker Update: Infinite Keanu [Maker Update #130] @makerprojectlab @adafruit edition! #adafruit
— by Anne Barela
Filed under: Maker Update, Publications —
Tags: arcada, circuitpython, keanu reeves, lightsaber, machine learning, maker update, publication, pybadge, PyGamer, pyportal, python, Speak & Spell, tensorflow, video —
Tags: arcada, circuitpython, keanu reeves, lightsaber, machine learning, maker update, publication, pybadge, PyGamer, pyportal, python, Speak & Spell, tensorflow, video —
NEW GUIDE: Bounce – an accelerometer game in Arduino for PyGamer and PyBadge #CircuitPython #PyGamer #PyBadge #Adafruit #AdafruitLearningSystem @Adafruit
— by Anne Barela
Filed under: adafruit learning system, arduino, displays, gaming, graphics, Programming, sensorsparts, tutorials —
Tags: accelerometer, adafruit learning system, arcada, arduino ide, displays, gaming, graphics, project, PyGamer, tutorial —
Tags: accelerometer, adafruit learning system, arcada, arduino ide, displays, gaming, graphics, project, PyGamer, tutorial —
NEW GUIDE: JOY of Arcada — USB Game Pad for Adafruit PyGamer and PyBadge #PyBadge #PyGamer #AdafruitLearningSystem #Gaming @Adafruit
— by Anne Barela
Filed under: adafruit learning system, anthropocene, arduino, gaming, PyBadge, PyGamer —
Tags: arcada, arduino, controller, game controller, gaming, joy, joystick, pybadge, PyGamer —
Tags: arcada, arduino, controller, game controller, gaming, joy, joystick, pybadge, PyGamer —